On Saturday we rode our bikes down to the Wilmington Grand Prix to watch part of the races and to participate in an failed attempt at breaking the world's record for largest bike parade. I don't think we were even close. After that we got spiffed up and went out for a birthday dinner in Philly. We had some fresh, tasty seafood at a place called Tangerine. The restaurant was packed with graduation parties, but it still had a nice ambience and I can't get that salmon out of my head.
I spent Sunday afternoon indulging in some much-needed computer time while R went to pick up her sister and our new nephew from the airport. They also drove up to the art museum to check out the Frida Kahlo exhibit currently on display. Later on, I had the chance to meet this young gentleman, who shall hereby be referred to in this blog as The Fonz. He is a cutie. You can expect some photos and video to be popping up on here soon.
So we have some company for two and a half weeks. One of our plans is to make a short film that we will be submitting to a contest being held by Summit Brewing Company in Minnesota. It's going to be tight, however, because the DVD needs to be received by the judges by May 27th. We're going to keep it simple, but I think we have a real shot at winning one of the prizes. C has a killer idea, R is helping flesh it out, I'm constructing the sequence of shots, and The Fonz is perfecting his acting chops. This is happening tomorrow night. Wish us luck!
are you going to post the summit video on your blog or could you send me a copy? I'd love to see that grandson of mine in his first movie! grandpa fonz
Of course the video will be posted here. Meeting the contest deadline will be our first priority, however. We shot it last night, and post-production begins tonight!
Hopefully, it will be posted on Summit's site (after June 9th) as well.
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