This one looks a little different from the others. I didn't shoot anything new for it but rather used footage from the last two months as well as some bicycling stock from last year's Grand Prix. The editing was really quite simple, which has been the trend lately. These things don't take me as long as they used to, and that's a good thing because I'm trying to find time to spend on other projects.
All of the money I've made with my video work has now officially surpassed everything I have purchased for my hobby in the last two years. This either means I'm going to start turning a profit from this business or start buying more things. I can tell you already it will probably be the latter. In fact I started already with a new shoulder mount and UV lens filter. I'm also in the market for a shotgun microphone that I can attach to the camera or a boom.
I like having this extra little bit of income to play with. I can spend it without feeling guilty for subtracting from the family savings, plus, it's easier to spend money when you enjoy the work it came from.
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