Friday, January 24, 2014

Photo project: "Overshadowed"

This was more of a technical exercise than a creative achievement because it's not an original concept.  I got the idea from a magazine and put my own spin on it with the shadow of Mickey (as opposed to a galloping horse statue).  I like shadowy lighting.  I like chess.  And Mickey Mouse has been a dominant presence in the last year plus of my family life.  I thought something like this would make a good 8x10 print in a game room / play room, perhaps in our basement after we finish it.

Settings on Canon 6D:
- 50mm
- f/18
- 20s
- ISO 200

Post-production in Adobe Photoshop Elements 9:
- Removed dust from lens and chess board.
- Removed marks from the wall.
- Straightened and cropped to 5:4 ratio.
- Sharpened.
- Adjusted contrast, made monochrome.
- Added a shadow to the board between the knight and Mickey.
- Added vignette via gradient mask and burn tool.