Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Painting a wall

The duties of a production assistant are quite varied. Today I picked up 4000 feet of streamers from Party City and then went over to Buddy's Bar to paint a wall. The bar wasn't open yet, but some guy who looked and sounded a lot like Cliff Clavin from Cheers came in to drink three Buds anyway. It turns out he was still on sick leave having just recovered from a cousin of the E. Coli virus (only he called it I. Col-ee). And guess what this guy's profession just happened to be; he was a professional painter. That would have been fine had he jumped in and helped me, but instead he sat there and observed my every stroke of the brush. Since there was nobody else in the bar except the owner (who was in and out of the place really), he didn't have anybody else to distract him from critiquing my technique. It was a good thing I was in top form after having so recently helped paint almost the entire interior of my and R's house. The wall turned out well, and the unlimited access to free soda pop was nice. Next week the production phase of the film begins. That is what I have been waiting for.