R and I celebrated our second wedding anniversary in St. Michaels, MD, a small town on Chesapeake Bay, over the weekend. We spent two nights in a bed & breakfast, biked a 20-mile loop, ate a romantic dinner in a gourmet restaurant, and went for a sail in a 121-year-old skipjack. On the boat, we dredged some oysters from the bottom of the bay, opened them up (shucked 'em, if you prefer), and ate them right there. They don't get any more fresh than that... not that they actually tasted good or anything.
We had an excellent time. I enjoyed getting away from the usual distractions around the house and being able to focus on my lovely wife. It has been a wonderful first two years of marriage. We continue to grow closer and appreciate each other's company. I will limit the mushiness to that.
9 years ago
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