Wow. Talk about an exciting week on Jeblog. I have another video to share with you. This time it's the trailer for the movie on which I worked over the summer. It can be seen here:
Yes, the card-playing metaphors in the narration are a bit cheesy, but doesn't the crispness of the lighting look nice? This should be a bright, colorful kids film. It was a lot of fun to make, and it might be a lot of fun to watch, hopefully for adults as well as kids, although I give you no guarantees.
R and I were at the director and his fiancĂ©e’s condo last night for a dinner party. That guy really knows how to tell a story. He's an exciting guy to listen to, and he has this way of generating buzz for this projects. According to him, there are a total of five premieres planned for the movie in April 2007. One of them will be a formal event with a lot of Wilmington's movers and shakers in attendance because of an appearance by one of Delaware's senators in the movie. I'm sure they'll all be driven to tears by my masterful performance as a customer in a tuxedo shop.
That's all I have time for right now, folks. We need to run up to the airport to pick up my sister-in-law who will be staying with us for a while. She will be our first guest since moving to Wilmington. It could be fun to have somebody here who we can show around a bit.
9 years ago
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