Thursday, March 29, 2007

Silver Screen

Hey everybody. Sorry for the infrequency of updates. It's the same old excuse: I've been busy at work, and it has been bleeding into my free time. Sunday, especially, was a bloodbath. R and I did manage to get our den/office painted on Saturday, however (R did the more time-consuming edge work, and then I swooped in to do the rolling). Silver Screen (swatch provided above) was our chosen color. It's possible we chose it entirely for its name. It sounded like an inspirational color to be surrounded by while editing movies. Then again, we used the same color for the interior of our garage a few months ago, so maybe there is no correlation.

What else can I tell you? I guess there's a lot in the works around here. We have some trips planned, some visitors coming soon, and some new videos being completed. I'd rather wait until after these events occur before filling you in on the details. It should be a busy spring, so stay tuned.