R and I had our first experience installing a ceiling fan today. We got the job done and are quite proud of the results. That is why I took 18 photos of the fan this evening. Above are my two favorites. Yes, we are taking domestic dorkiness to a whole new level here.
Last night we saw Little Miss Sunshine. It was a quirky little movie that got funnier and funnier as it rolled along. I didn't realize until a few days ago that it was directed by the same duo that made what has long been known as my favorite television commercial of all-time and also my favorite music video of all-time. In fact, I didn't even realize the commercial and the music video were directed by the same people until then. When I found about this amazing coincidence, you can believe I was really pumped to see Little Miss Sunshine. It also didn't hurt that I'm a big fan of Steve Carell. Well, the movie was a lot of fun to watch, but, no, it has not become my favorite movie of all-time. That would have been something.
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