I would like to announce, with so much joy and excitement, that my lovely wife and I are expecting our first child in October! Yes, I really typed that. The last few months have already been an emotional thrill ride, and it looks like there will be much of that to come.
R is doing well. She had what seemed to be a pretty typical case of morning sickness, but is feeling better, if still more tired than usual, these days. We've been trying to eat better and get enough exercise. We're both reading books about pregnancy and how to care for a child. It all sounds rather intimidating at this point, but we're going to take it one step at a time. I'm very anxious to meet this new person, but I desperately need this time to prepare and also want to make the most of life without the weight of fatherhood while I can, so I'm not exactly wishing these nine months away. The stork will arrive soon enough.
We learned the news ourselves on Valentine's Day morning while we were in Sonoma County. No, it wasn't the best timing for a weekend getaway in wine country. R had to skip the tasting part of our weekend, and I... had to cut back a bit :-). It also explains the conspicuous absence of a wine glass in the photo in this entry about the weekend. You may have also noticed my write-up was rather spare on details. I feel like the secret we've been carrying (pun somewhat intended) has put a bit of a wall between me and you, so it feels good to finally make the information public. This opens up so much more to tweet about too :-)
Among other decisions, I have to make one about the future of Midnight Toast (the blog), regarding how much detail to include about the pregnancy and our child's life. Safety and privacy are suddenly a higher priority. Maybe I'll start a limited-access family blog and reserve this one for my creative projects. Maybe not. One way or another I'll be taking a ton of photos and video, and some of them will be available in one place or another. I've already started recording a series of video interviews with R about her pregnancy and will continue with those about once a month until this baby is born. Something like that probably won't make in online, but I have a feeling our little family will enjoy watching them in the future.
Being a dad will be a huge adjustment and full of challenges, but I'm looking forward to it. Life has a way of telling you when it's time for the next phase. And following those signs has worked out pretty well for me so far, so I don't see any reason to stop. R and I are happy... scared, too, but mostly just happy.
9 years ago
Congratulations Jeff! Being a father is the most rewarding thing I've done in my life - I'm sure you'll feel the same. Ok - enough with the cliche comments The only unsolicited advice I'll give to new parents (I'll give tons more if you solicit it :-) - Don't over think things. (Most) humans have great natural instincts when it comes to being parents. Follow them and things go great!
Jeff, this is supergreat news. Re: the scariness of it all--yepl, been there, done that (heck, still doing it, even though Little Miss Kickboxer is 16 months old now). If you guys need anything, or a recommendation for a really good doula in SB, let me know. I'm only a phone call (or an email) away ...
@Mathew: Thanks, man. That's good advice. I might be asking you for more, seeing how you (somewhat) recently went through all this.
@Charlotte: I appreciate it. Good to know we have some support in the area.
Anytime you need us let us know. We can be useful on the technical side as well as my wife is a labor and delivery nurse as well as (either is or was) a doula and hypnobirth instructor. If you have any questions about the pregnancy or child birth, feel free to ask.
So awesome Jeff! I'm super excited for you guys. :) Actually, as I type this my sister-in-law is in the hospital about to have my little niece, our first in the family. Great seasons of life are upon us all.
Well, maybe an actual email is in order, rather than a public blog post. I'll be in touch. :)
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