Saturday, November 22, 2008

The meaning of "Midnight Toast"

The title of my blog comes from my senior year at St. Thomas when I was living with three other guys in an on-campus apartment. Most nights we would group together in the kitchen and share the interesting parts of our days. I don't think any of us had early classes that year, so we were up late studying (or at least exploring the internet) every night and midnight was the perfect time for a snack and a chat. Maybe they ate leftover pizza or applesauce or whatever, but toast with (lots of) peanutbutter on it was usually my choice. I came to refer to the break as my midnight toast. I'm not sure if the other guys used that name or if they would even know what I'm referring to today, but our discussions were one of the highlights of my school year. They were all the proof I needed that the best conversations occur late at night... and so do the best blog entries.