Monday, September 18, 2006

Weekend recap

Greetings. Another weekend has passed. We spent ours doing the following:

  • Eating a six-course meal at a Moroccan restaurant called (what else but) Casablanca. We ate the whole works with our bare hands. Dinner included entertainment from a stripper-like belly dancer.
  • Attending the Oktoberfest in Newark, DE. It's a big deal around these parts. They even had carnival rides, which we rode by the way.
  • Painting the inside of our garage. Actually, we only got as far as priming it over the weekend. Painting is next, and then we can finally install the garage door opener I bought three months ago.

So there you have it. Sorry for the lack of enthusiasm. I had one of those life-draining days at work today. In other news, my new web video is done! Well, I might still do some tweaking, but generally speaking, it feels complete, and I'm quite happy with the results. Unfortunately, I can't unveil it to the public yet. I'll be optioning it off to the magazine this week. If they accept it, it will probably be distributed to their online newsletter subscribers on something like YouTube. It will definitely be posted here as well. You can help rack up the play count!