I just got back from a radio station where we were shooting a couple of scenes from the movie. It was a fun night. Those of us involved with the project are developing strong sense of camaraderie for the simple reason that we are spending a lot of time together if not also because we all share a common bond -- the aspiration to make a movie. I've struggled to find people with that interest in common with me in the past, but now I'm surrounded by them. That's so awesome.
There's been something going on in my career situation that I've been keeping on the down low for the last week. I'm going to continue to avoid discussing it tonight because it requires more explanation than I care to get into now. Later on this morning R and I will be traveling up to Piscataway, New Jersery for a family reunion and spending the day there. On Sunday I'll be helping shoot the climactic BBQ scenes for the movie. Let's make a date for early next week to discuss why and how my hiatus from work is ending. Okay, it won't be much of a discussion. Rather, I will write and you can read, as usual.
9 years ago
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