Just a quick note to let you know I purchased the domain www.jeff-finc.com. My web index can now be reached at that address. Also, I started working on an upgrade to that page. It will continue to be simple in design, as it was always meant to be, but I hope to add a little more color and sophistication. You may see some changes while I make them, but I'll keep you posted as to when the new page is finished.
The other project I have officially begun (finally) is T & C's wedding video. If T & C happen to be reading this, then I hope they will accept my apology for how long it has taken me to get started. I'll do my best to finish it by their first anniversary : )
For those of you waiting for the finalized "Wrong Number Project," it is next on my list. I've had to hold myself back from editing it with hopes that I would get some last minute submissions, but now I've just about given up. Thank you to everybody who did make a segment. They all look great.
Lastly, I've had some rejuvenated inspiration for my "Alien Vision" movie, which is still in the brainstorming stage. You could say it's quickly becoming more avant-garde. I've decided to use to some "new-to-me" technology that might have a steep learning curve, so it could still be a while before you see this one. I'm really excited to get started, however. I've had it on my to do list for years already.
9 years ago
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