Wednesday, May 12, 2010

"Miami" blip

I feel like posting something that has nothing to do with my personal life tonight. Previously, I mentioned (warned?) that there would be some remnants of my recent backdrop video work continuing to appear on the blog, and this is an example of that. It's a remix of the food coloring experiment I originally wrote about in this entry. Since I didn't have a clip to show at that time, I'm posting one now.

The video is a little sloppy. You can see reflections in the glass and the editing isn't as transparent as it could be. The original, set to an unreleased ThreadSpinner song, was slower and the imperfections weren't as perceptible when it was played on the lesser-contrast theater screen. In the clip above, I swapped the music with a song by U2 ("Miami" from their Pop album), condensed the run-time, and re-organized things a bit.

This isn't going to forever change the face of Internet video or anything. Treat it as a doodle similar to the Silence blip from a few months back.