Tuesday, February 09, 2010

"Silence" blip

I mentioned a few entries ago that one of my backdrop videos didn't feel right for the project and had to be heavily blurred into abstraction before it was usable in the concert. Well, last night in a fit of inspiration, I took the original video, chopped it up, played two minutes of an industrial sounding Portishead tune over it, and severed its ties to the backdrop project. I think it works better this way. There's a lovely sense of dread looming over the otherwise festive dancing event. Perhaps ThreadSpinner's song was too hopeful and happy; I needed one with more emotional contrast to the images, as counterintuitive as that may seem.

This is really just a scribble. It was fun to take a break between bigger projects -- namely the backdrop collection (which was so huge I'm still blogging about it) and E&B's wedding video (which has been impeded with one false start after another so far) -- to put something together quickly with no real purpose. I like working on videos the most when there is no outside pressure, when I'm just doing it for myself. I hope to add a few more of these to the mix in the coming months.