The weekend flew by as always. It was off to a poor start on Friday night when I got stuck at work until 11:00pm--such is the life of an IT professional, I guess. On Saturday we raked and mowed the yard, which actually didn't take that long because, hey, we don't have a very big yard (and I'm perfectly fine with that for now). We also picked up a Christmas tree, did some browsing at the shipyard shops, enjoyed a nice dinner at Toscana, and watched Nacho Libre on DVD, which I liked more than I expected. On Sunday we did the usual chores around the house and had some time to relax. I took inventory of some of my older videos and realized I have a lot I want to post online. From the Cottage Cheese files alone, I could go on for quite a while. As a matter of fact, you can expect to see another clip posted here by the end of the week. Hopefully, I should say. Before I commit to anything I should let you know that I will be shooting the first video in the "Bud Light Film Crew" series this Wednesday night. I'll have about a week to do the editing, which is not a lot of time for something like that, but I think I've cleared my schedule enough to get it done. I am a little nervous about shooting something I don't have complete control over. It has been a while since I covered any sort of live event, like the upcoming Best Bartender Contest. This will be more simliar to my Campus Scope work than anything I shot in my own house with me as the only actor (i.e. probably any video of mine that you have seen). It will be nice to shoot something without me in it for once. I should have a lot more freedom if I can remain behind the camera. Okay, I'm blabbering. I wonder if anybody even read this whole paragraph.
I got a kick out this--the two commercials I was paid to help with last summer have finally been posted online. If you look really close, you can see part of me in both of them. Here's a hint: you can probably identify me best by my watch. The rest of me is laying on the cutting room floor somewhere. Oh well, my primary responsibility was to assist with the lighting. If you want to see the results of an 18-hour day of work, go to this website and click on the links in the left column called "Thanks, Mom" and "Thanks, Dad."
Lastly, the trailer for Lynch's INLAND EMPIRE appears to be online, albeit on YouTube and in really poor quality. Regardless, the trailer is absolutely fantastic. Watch it here. I was just thinking how all trailers look the same these days. You've seen them--any preview for an action movie or thriller builds to a climax of extremely quick shots... then the title, set to some dramatic music, comes in before the one final blurt of a demon child or an explosion with some dude hanging off a cliff... you get the idea. Lynch's trailer has nine shots in it, yet he manages to lay on the dread and build anticipation masterfully. I'm so going to love this movie.
Well, that's the news from this corner of Wilmington. My life may not be interesting, but I'm going to write about it anyway.
9 years ago
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