I probably watched my "Fake Empire" video a hundred times during the process of editing it, and somehow, over the course of all of those viewings, I managed to miss a clearly visible piece of production equipment (as well as R's hand holding it) in one particular shot. Now it's all I can see. I'd post a still from the video to point it out, but I want to make you watch the video again instead. So if you want to see what I'm talking about (and there's a good chance you don't), the gaffe is just past the two-minute mark.
This is all you're going to get for a blog entry this week. We had a good weekend last weekend--with bowling, biking, and hiking--but I'm going to skip the detailed recap. I haven't even had the chance to look at the photos I took during the hike yet. Time is just speeding along. I'm heading down to LAX in a few hours to pick up our next set of guests. Expect a full report on their visit sometime next week.
9 years ago
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