So it turns out I'm finding time to work on my video this month after all. I'm feeling better about my "to do" list now that I've had the chance to dive into it. My Christmas shopping is out of the way for the most part. Our holiday letter is written and just waiting to be printed, enveloped, and dropped in the mail. I do have a big project to finish up this week at work, but it will get done one way or another. There has been much to do, but perhaps I underestimated the amount of free time I would have in which to do it. Having the nights and weekends open has certainly helped.
We weren't planning to get a Christmas tree this year because the season was speeding along so fast and, as usual, we'll be out of town for the actual holiday, but we broke down and got a tree anyway. It is now fully decorated too, furthering our immersion in the Christmas spirit. We also attended Handel's Messiah in concert at the Granada last weekend to help us get there. This is the musical piece that contains the famous "Hallelujah" chorus that has been spoofed so often in pop culture. It was great to hear it in it's original context for a change.
Also on the entertainment scene, we saw/heard our favorite local band, Threadspinner, perform at a little place down the street. We went out to the movie Slumdog Millionaire and watched Tropic Thunder from our couch. Slumdog was good but not everything I had hoped for. I fell asleep during Thunder. I haven't seen too many movies this year, so I'm glad we're making a last minute effort to catch up. The Dark Knight is probably still my favorite from 2008, but I have high hopes that something else will blow me away before the Oscars arrive. Nobody wants to say the most popular movie of the year was also their favorite.
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