Aside from all that, a skateboard is simply an iconic Californian thing to own. I like seeing it propped up against a wall in the apartment. I bought the board used off of Craigslist, so I don't have a lot invested in it. If it turns out this isn't for me or if we buy a house that is quite a way out of town, I'm pretty sure I can sell it and recoup the minor expense.
It is more difficult to ride one of these things than I remember. Either that or I was a lot more fearless back in the day. Just balancing seems to be quite an effort now. Somehow I was expecting to remember how to ollie (or jump, for those of you not in the know), but apparently the feel for that doesn't stick with a person like riding a bike does.
I'm paying attention to the surfaces of roads and sidewalks more than usual these days. When I was shopping around, I couldn't decide between a long board with larger, softer wheels or the more compact, trick-friendly board that I ended up with. I may have made the wrong decision because on my board the wrong road can cause some major vibration and the cracks in pavement can be unexpectedly dangerous. The last thing I need is a broken wrist. That would make my job quite a bit more difficult (not to mention video editing).
Speaking of editing, I'm looking forward to re-entering the world of video production after my biggest break from it in years. I don't have any new paid jobs lined up yet, but I do have three of my own editing projects waiting for me. I'm also getting anxious to shoot something new, before I forget everything I learned about my camera. I've been too busy enjoying the weather outside during the evenings to dive into anything. Give me a little more time.
Just a reminder: I've been adding photos to my online Santa Barbara gallery, located here. Check them out and expect more soon.
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