Monday, November 12, 2007

Another awesomely average weekend

The weekend has come and gone. This was another one spent in and around the area. Maybe you aren't interested in reading about an average weekend, so skip this if you want. I personally like to have a record of this stuff, and for that reason I will continue.

On Friday night we attended a surprise 30th birthday party for a friend, Chris, who you might know from his appearances as a host of four of the Bud Light videos. The party was a good time. I spent part of it shooting video that I will be editing down as a gift for the dude. Chris has done a lot for me upon moving to Wilmington, including getting me the connections I have with Out & About magazine. He does IT work for a few different companies and organizations around town, so he might throw me some additional web video work in the future. I look forward to the opportunities.

After Frisbee on Saturday, R and I drove up to Philly to visit Calumet Photographic, where I drooled over the video camera I've had my eye on, and Ikea, where we picked up some shelves and things for the house. We also went to a unique Mexican restaurant called Xochitl (pronounced so-cheet), which, as the name implies, didn't serve your typical tacos and burritos -- R ate cactus and I had steak. We followed dinner up with Blades of Glory on DVD at home, with sleep grabbing us about half way through.

On Sunday we spent a good chunk of time assembling our new shelves and re-organizing the living room. R also made some butternut squash soup that was really tasty, especially on the cool fall day that it was. Before we knew it, night was upon us. I've always had a love-hate relationship with Sunday nights: I enjoy our typical frozen pizza dinner when we get each other caught up from our respective phone calls to the 'rents, but I hate to see the weekend end as another long week looms. Oh well, at least I don't need to deal with Sunday night homework anymore. R, however, is not so lucky. Did I ever mention she's taking graduate courses in engineering at the University of Delaware? That's keeping her busy.

Coming up soon on Jeblog:
  • R visits her pregnant sister in Honduras, leaving me to my own devices for six days.
  • The first segment in a possible series of late-night written ramblings called "Zomething Different."
  • The final Bud Light Film Crew video before I take at least few months off from them. And it's going to be about dodgeball.
  • Plans for new video work I will doing during the aforementioned few months off.
  • A 2007 year-in-review post.
  • More weekend recaps.