Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The absolute other end of Interstate 95

Her eyes all swimming pool blue
Dumb bells on a diving board
Baby's always attracted to the things she's afraid of
Big girl with the sweet tooth
Watches the skinny girl in the photo shoot
Freshmen squeaky clean
She tastes of chlorine
-U2, “Miami”

The company I work for is known, at least among themselves, for working hard and for playing hard. This weekend we played hard in Miami Beach. They flew 180 of us down there (with a relatively small charge for guests), put us up at a spectacular resort on the ocean for three nights, and treated us to good food and way more drinks than we needed. It was a whirlwind weekend and all-around great time. One highlight was on Saturday when we participated in an intense 3-hour scavenger hunt around the area. My team of six was so close to winning the $5,000 grand prize that it wasn't even funny. We've been kicking ourselves for losing it ever since.

Otherwise, company moral is up. It's amazing what a little beach time can do.